Every man lives in two realms: the internal and the external. The internal is that realm of spiritual ends expressed in art, literature, morals, and religion. The external is that complex of devices, techniques, mechanisms, and instrumentalities by means of which we live. -Martin Luther King Jr.
Thought for the Week
"Be patient but persistent in building or rebuilding your self-worth. The path to self-worth can only be reached when you love and accept yourself. Not only "when you're perfect," but right now, today, exactly as you are. Accepting yourself will not mean you will lose the drive to become better. It is the opposite. You... Continue Reading →
Thought for the Week
"An enormous benefit of having self-worth is that a person can accept a compliment gratefully, knowing inside that it's true. Sincere compliments feel good, just as they are intended to feel. Without self-worth, a person can only reject or barely half accept a compliment, while deep inside they may wish in sadness that they could... Continue Reading →
Thought for the Week
"It's hard to rebuild self-worth, and it's even harder when the people around you keep on putting you down, belittling your ambitions, and telling you that you're not good enough. But if everyone suddenly cheered on your every move, you wouldn't know which insults still bothered you. For an insult to bother you, you have... Continue Reading →
Thought for the Week
"Long overdue changes can happen very fast, but they still need decision and commitment to happen at all. "Doe Zantamata
Thought for the Week
"It does not matter how long a block of stone has existed. It does not matter how long a blank canvas rested on the ground. What turns these ordinary things into magnificent sculptures and paintings is talent, skill, and commitment by just one person who decides it's time. Recognize your own potential and use your... Continue Reading →
Thought for the Week
"If you were to travel back in time to younger days, you'd have to learn all that you've learned all over again. If you could fast forward to years from now, all of today's problems would be solved, all of the outcomes would be known, but the adventure would also be over. There would be... Continue Reading →
Happy Thanksgiving
“To speak gratitude is courteous and pleasant, to enact gratitude is generous and noble, but to live gratitude is to touch Heaven.” Johannes A. Gaertner
Thought for the Week
"Sometimes people confuse self-love with big ego. The two are totally different. A person with a big ego thinks they are better than others. A person who loves him or herself doesn't think they are better or worse than others. Comparing is useless, as we all have strengths and weaknesses. Focusing on one or the... Continue Reading →
Thought for the Week
"You were born to be awesome. Don't let anyone talk you out of that. If anyone has and you believed them, don't believe it anymore. You were given gifts of talents and passions to use, not to remain throughout your life as idle potential. You've gained experiences and wisdom up to this point, and you'll... Continue Reading →