Thought for the Week

"If you were to travel back in time to younger days, you'd have to learn all that you've learned all over again. If you could fast forward to years from now, all of today's problems would be solved, all of the outcomes would be known, but the adventure would also be over. There would be... Continue Reading →

Happy Thanksgiving

“To speak gratitude is courteous and pleasant, to enact gratitude is generous and noble, but to live gratitude is to touch Heaven.” Johannes A. Gaertner

Thought for the Week

"Sometimes people confuse self-love with big ego. The two are totally different. A person with a big ego thinks they are better than others. A person who loves him or herself doesn't think they are better or worse than others. Comparing is useless, as we all have strengths and weaknesses. Focusing on one or the... Continue Reading →

Thought for the Week

"You were born to be awesome. Don't let anyone talk you out of that. If anyone has and you believed them, don't believe it anymore. You were given gifts of talents and passions to use, not to remain throughout your life as idle potential. You've gained experiences and wisdom up to this point, and you'll... Continue Reading →

Thought for the Week

"The mind has no time to dream of a better future if it's too busy chasing shadows from the past. Reflect, resolve, let go, live on. "Doe Zantamata      

Thought for the Week

"What's the difference between having faith and wishing? When you wish, you HOPE things will get better, but you may not BELIEVE they will. When you have faith, you BELIEVE things will get better, and you look for opportunities to make that happen. Think of the statements, "I wish you the best," versus, "I have... Continue Reading →

Thought for the Week

"When you are doing well, some people, even friends, and family members won't be happy for you. It's due to envy. A person only envies when they feel the same is not possible for themselves. This is due to low self-esteem and low self-confidence. It has nothing to do with you, and you should never... Continue Reading →

Thought for the Week

"As you allow flow and change to occur, and as you keep looking inward, letting go of situations that cause you grief, and increasing the amount of time spent in situations that allow you to be happy, your world will change. " Doe Zantamata      

Thought for the Week

"In all your waking hours, you're having a mind party. Your thoughts are your guests. Those which you don't pay attention to and refuse to entertain will eventually get bored and leave. Make sure to only entertain the ones that you want to keep around. "Doe Zantamata      

Thought for the Week

"If you always want to say the right thing, make sure to always think the right thoughts. Someone who wants to make a good impression, but has worried thoughts about making a bad impression, will likely say things that come out wrong, that they didn't mean that way, or that they shouldn't have said at... Continue Reading →

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