Thought for the Week

"If you found out, realized, or learned something today that totally changes how you would have acted or decisions you made in the past, don't beat yourself up for not knowing it before. Think instead of how much your life will change from this day forward, now that you know it, and how much better... Continue Reading →

Thought for the Week

"You can spend your life looking out, making decisions and having reactions to people and things you see. Or, you can spend your life looking in, staying in close contact with how you feel in any given moment, responding to those feelings to encourage more of the peaceful ones. If you choose the first, it... Continue Reading →

Thought for the Week

"A change in direction before it happens may seem like way too much work. But realize and remember momentum. Yes, it would take much less effort to continue on as is, but if it isn't allowing you to feel good, to feel alive, or to wake up every day with positive anticipation, then it has... Continue Reading →

Thought for the Week

"Appreciation is the basis for holidays, but it's something that can and should be done every day. Think of each holiday and what it means. Then, look around you and appreciate all the good that is in your life. Your family, friends, possessions, where you live. If you focus on what is good, more good... Continue Reading →

Thought for the Week

"Compassionate reflection allows you to see yourself from a different perspective. As time passes, the person you become will detach from yet understand the person you were. Choices and circumstances can then be viewed as they were, accepted as how they were, and negative emotion can be released. " Doe Zantamata      

Thought for the Week

"You were born to be awesome. Don't let anyone talk you out of that. If anyone has and you believed them, don't believe it anymore. You were given gifts of talents and passions to use, not to remain throughout your life as idle potential. You've gained experiences and wisdom up to this point, and you'll... Continue Reading →

Thought for the Week

Thought for the Week "Don't stress about what you can't do. You can't always do the best thing, but you can always do your best. And that's much more than many choose to do. " Doe Zantamata      

Thought for the Week

Thought for the Week "Karma is a word often used as a curse on those who have done someone wrong. It's also thought of as a way that someone will receive payback for good or bad that they've done. Karma is not a punishment or reward system. It is based on understanding. If you only... Continue Reading →

Thought for the Week

Thought for the Week "If you were to travel back in time to younger days, you'd have to learn all that you've learned all over again. If you could fast forward to years from now, all of today's problems would be solved, all of the outcomes would be known, but the adventure would also be... Continue Reading →

Thought for the Week

Thought for the Week "Every thought, every spoken word, every action sets a process in motion. We control what we send out, but not the results or consequences that follow. Good intentions set forth with the goal to destroy a perceived wrong will cause destruction in their wake. Good intentions set forth in love will... Continue Reading →

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