Thought for the Week

"Reality is nothing more than your beliefs mixed with your experiences. In reality, there are as many worlds as there are people, as no two of us have an identical set of beliefs and experiences. We may be similar to some, and to others, we may be near opposites. No one is wrong, and no... Continue Reading →

Thought for the Week

"It's hard sometimes to not be afraid. But it's much harder to always live in fear. Faith means to believe something is true, sometimes without any proof at all. Have faith in yourself and the proof will follow. " Doe Zantamata      

Thought for the Week

"There's a big difference between "focusing on negative things" and "ignoring something that needs some attention for it to be resolved." Always remember the teaching mantra, "what you allow, you encourage." Doe Zantamata      

Thought for the Week

"It both creates and destroys all things. It is the ultimate giver and taker. It is kept but cannot be held. It is both feared and appreciated. When used foolishly, it is regretted. When used wisely, it can reveal the purpose of a life and change the world. "Doe Zantamata      

Thought for the Week

"Intuition has two distinct differences from the other senses: 1. It is only a guide for most people, which points in one direction, towards or away from. 2. It is the only sense that is not confirmed in the present moment, but rather the confirmation will take place in the future. These two key differences... Continue Reading →

Thought for the Week

"Viewing rejection as "you're not good enough" will cause you to try to change in order to become "good enough" for that person or circumstance. Seeing rejection as "it's not right for you, but they happened to recognize it first," frees you to find something or someone who is right for you instead. At the... Continue Reading →

Thought for the Week

"Old habits die hard, but if you know the results and don't want to see them anymore, you've got to change the choices that keep leading up to them. The more they've happened, the easier it is to recognize a pattern. Most times, you need to be able to see a pattern before you can... Continue Reading →

Happy Ostara

“Behold, my friends, the spring is come; the earth has gladly received the embraces of the sun, and we shall soon see the results of their love.” — Sitting Bull

Thought for the Week

"If someone spends time going out of their way to harm others, it's really sad. It means they have no clue how precious and brief their own life really is. Don't waste any of your life being angry with them. To do so would be giving them power over your happiness. They will regretfully prove... Continue Reading →

Thought for the Week

"What you impress people by is what you are impressed by in other people. If you are impressed by kindness and generosity, that means those things are in you and you believe they are important. Those who are impressed by displays of status, power, flash, or waving money around don't yet see the value in... Continue Reading →

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