"When we are young, we trust fully. We even believe in the Easter Bunny or Tooth Fairy, just because we're told they exist. At some point, we find out about lies. At first, lying comes as a shock, but many come to accept it as a "normal" way of life. To trust, you have to... Continue Reading →
Thought for the Week
"Choosing forgiveness doesn't mean that the wounds will suddenly vanish. All healing - physical, emotional, and mental - takes time. Choosing forgiveness means that you've decided to begin the healing process. "Doe Zantamata https://www.psychics.com/life-coach/spiritual-life-coaching-by-lady-dyanna/
Thought for the Week
"How do you make peace with pain? If it were towards a person, a time in life, or an entire childhood, recognize first that you can be grateful that time is over. What remains today is a memory. If 10 years were spent living in that pain, know that this day forward, you get to... Continue Reading →
Thought for the Week
"Your instincts, your conscience, your gut feeling...they're all part of intuition. Even when your mind tries to convince you to pursue people or circumstances that rejected you in order to feel validated, it never feels right inside if you do. If you ignore intuition, you'll find chaos. If you listen to it, you'll find inner... Continue Reading →
Thought for the Week
"People who learn to trust and use their intuition are still going to have negative experiences in their lives. This does not mean that their intuition failed them. Intuition is always right. Some of these experiences hold very important lessons for us, which we may only see when looking back years later. During the difficult... Continue Reading →
Thought for the Week
"When people insult you, don't take offense, don't take it personally, but do listen to their words. They are telling you how they see the world, and they are telling you the exact negative qualities that they possess. "The Law of Mirrors" states that one can only see what's in them, regardless if it is... Continue Reading →
Thought for the Week
"Our attention spans may have been caught up in the pressures of chasing faster, bigger, more, and new, but our souls have known all along that achievement of any of those things brings only temporary satisfaction. Then, the race begins again. They do not bring happiness. Happiness is found in looking at what you have... Continue Reading →
Thought for the Week
"The only outcome you can be certain of is the one that happened. It may seem like if only you'd done something differently or if only someone else would have, then things would be better than they are today. But thinking that way will leave you disappointed with your life as it turned out. More... Continue Reading →
Thought for the Week
"There's a big difference between giving someone the benefit of the doubt and turning a blind eye to anything someone does just because you like them a lot. Being generous and understanding are great qualities, just make sure someone doesn't use them all up on you. Kindness should be appreciated, not taken advantage of. "Doe... Continue Reading →
Thought for the Week
"Courage takes forethought. You can feel awkward now for using it, or regretful later for not using it. There is some resistance in every chosen path, but the one that requires courage is usually the best one to choose. It leads to the real you. People talk often of taking the path of least resistance,... Continue Reading →