Thought for the Week

"If you don't make a conscious effort to control your focus-and decide in advance which things you're going to focus on-you'll be so pulled by the demands of the world that you will soon find yourself living in reaction rather than living a life plan you've designed for yourself." ~ Tony Robbins      ... Continue Reading →

Thought for the Week

"There is overwhelming evidence that the higher the level of self-esteem, the more likely one will be to treat others with respect, kindness, and generosity." ~ Nathaniel Branden        

Thought for the Week

"An extremely important part of our work toward emotional growth and change will come from examining our belief systems regarding all areas of life. To gain the courage to be yourself, you need to address the beliefs that are keeping you stuck where you are. What beliefs, assumptions, and attitudes are you holding onto even... Continue Reading →

Relationships: Soulmates

"Your problem is you don't understand what that word means. People think a soul mate is your perfect fit, and that's what everyone wants. But a true soul mate is a mirror, the person who shows you everything that's holding you back, the person who brings you to your attention so you can change your... Continue Reading →

Thought for the Week

"The way to happiness: Keep your heart free from hate, your mind from worry. Live simply, expect little, give much. Scatter sunshine, forget self, think of others. Try this for a week and you will be surprised." ~ Norman Vincent Peale    

Words of Wisdom: Self-Worth

"Self-worth is an understanding on the intellectual level, trusting at the heart level, and accepting at the soul level that you are worthy just because you believe that you are. Your worthiness is proven by your existence. Your breathing. The beating of your heart. Your mere presence is all that is needed to establish your... Continue Reading →


"The purpose of relationship is not to have another who might complete you, but to have another with whom you might share your completeness." ~ Neale Donald Walsch  

Thought for the Week

"Remember that the best relationship is one in which your love for each other exceeds your need for each other." ~ Dalai Lama  

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