Happy Valentine’s Day

If you could do anything what would it be? The answer dwells in your heart, not in your mind, for the heart is the gateway to the soul.

Thought for the Week

"Sometimes your greatest teachers in life had no idea just what they taught you. Especially those who treated you the worst. The day you said, "I deserve better than this." was the day you graduated from their class. " Doe Zantamata        

Thought for the Week

"As you allow flow and change to occur, and as you keep looking inward, letting go of situations that cause you grief, and increasing the amount of time spent in situations that allow you to be happy, your world will change. " Doe Zantamata        

An Introduction to the Tarot Apothecary

AUGUST 09, 2022 BY AILYNN HALVORSON READ TIME: 13 MINS The Tarot Apothecary lays out a magical approach to the tarot that calls in the four wisdoms of tarot, aromatherapy, imaginative journey (the state of allowing your mind and imagination to journey outside of yourself with a predetermined intention), and simple everyday ritual. This creates a container of magical energies that allow for... Continue Reading →

Thought for the Week

"Be careful of the Karma of Judgment. When you say, "How could anyone..." or "I can't understand why someone would..." you are literally asking the universe to give you that experience. Karma isn't about punishment or reward, it's about understanding. When you judge someone, you will soon find yourself in a similar position as they... Continue Reading →

Thought for the Week

"Consider those who you love in your choices, but if your choices conflict with their expectations of you, then you have to decide if 1. trying to be who they want you to be, or 2. being who you really are is ultimately more important to everyone's long term happiness. You can only pretend for... Continue Reading →

Martin Luther King Jr. Day

Every man lives in two realms: the internal and the external. The internal is that realm of spiritual ends expressed in art, literature, morals, and religion. The external is that complex of devices, techniques, mechanisms, and instrumentalities by means of which we live. -Martin Luther King Jr.

Thought for the Week

"Be patient but persistent in building or rebuilding your self-worth. The path to self-worth can only be reached when you love and accept yourself. Not only "when you're perfect," but right now, today, exactly as you are. Accepting yourself will not mean you will lose the drive to become better. It is the opposite. You... Continue Reading →

Tarot as a Way of Mindfulness: 4 Ways the Cards Help You Find Spiritual Fulfillment

JULY 25, 2022 BY JOHANNES FIEBIG READ TIME: 6 MINS We fell in love with the tarot in the early 1980s. Tarot became our profession then, and for decades we did lectures, workshops and seminars on the tarot. We also wrote many tarot books (mainly in Europe, but with increasing interest in the USA and Canada), which have been... Continue Reading →

Thought for the Week

"An enormous benefit of having self-worth is that a person can accept a compliment gratefully, knowing inside that it's true. Sincere compliments feel good, just as they are intended to feel. Without self-worth, a person can only reject or barely half accept a compliment, while deep inside they may wish in sadness that they could... Continue Reading →

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