Thought for the Week

"If you look for positives, you will see only positives, and be blind to negatives that may hurt you later. If you look for only negatives, you will find only them, and be blind to positives that you may love. It's only when you look, just look, that you can see things as they really... Continue Reading →

Thought for the Week

"Love between two people is a free flow of giving and receiving. Love given but not received leads to resentment, depletion, lowered self-worth, and feeling used. Love received but not given leads to feelings of guilt for not giving or not being able to give, and after that leads to unappreciation because it came so... Continue Reading →

Thought for the Week

"Some people think that if they always assume the best in people and their intentions, that's "being positive," but it's really not. Now, it's not good to assume the worst, either. Just don't assume anything. Ask. Observe. Ask again. Observe again. If you only assume the best, you will eventually be disappointed when you realize... Continue Reading →

Thought for the Week

"There's a big difference between giving someone the benefit of the doubt and turning a blind eye to anything someone does just because you like them a lot. Being generous and understanding are great qualities, just make sure someone doesn't use them all up on you. Kindness should be appreciated, not taken advantage of.  "Doe... Continue Reading →

Happy New Year

"I release the past and step into the New Year with confidence and courage."

Thought for the Week

"Sometimes when we do good things, believe in people, or try our hardest, we seem to get nothing in return...not even a "thank you." While this can be very disheartening, please don't ever think it was a waste of time. By putting good out into the world, you have done your part in making it... Continue Reading →

Thought for the Week

"Someone else's insecurity and mistrust are the roots of big time drama. You can expect to spend a lot of time explaining, justifying, coddling, and walking on eggshells if you choose to be close to someone who struggles with those things. With your best efforts and patience, you may be able to help them some,... Continue Reading →

Yule Blessings 2024

As the wheel of the year turns, may your heart be filled with the joy and blessings of Yule!

Thought for the Week

"If a friend stops speaking with you because they believed gossip about you without even asking you "your side," then you didn't really lose a friend. You only lost a person who didn't trust or believe in you...and that's not really a loss at all. It hurts because it feels unfair, and you would not... Continue Reading →

Thought for the Week

"When we are young, we trust fully. We even believe in the Easter Bunny or Tooth Fairy, just because we're told they exist. At some point, we find out about lies. At first, lying comes as a shock, but many come to accept it as a "normal" way of life. To trust, you have to... Continue Reading →

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