Thought for the Week

"Karma is a word often used as a curse on those who have done someone wrong. It's also thought of as a way that someone will receive payback for good or bad that they've done. Karma is not a punishment or reward system. It is based on understanding. If you only do good things in... Continue Reading →

Thought for the Week

"Our very survival depends on the ability to filter out the overwhelming amount of information that all our senses are receiving at any given moment. Being conscious of thought and of feelings is not the normal state of most people, but it is a very possible and peaceful place to be. Practice focusing your attention... Continue Reading →

Thought for the Week

"Think for a moment about the meanings of the words, "encouraging," and "discouraging." Courage is carrying on, despite the presence of fear. To en-courage someone is to enable them to have courage to continue in the direction they are going. To dis-courage someone is to disable them from having courage. One kind word, or one... Continue Reading →

Thought for the Week

"Conserving energy is a good thing. But this is also why belief is the root of all positive change. Unless you believe something better is possible, it makes no sense to devote the energy or effort into making it happen. So all those other things, determination, perseverance, courage....they can't do their jobs until their leader,... Continue Reading →

"The fact is, with every friendship you make and every bond of trust you establish, you are shaping the image of America projected to the rest of the world." — Michelle Obama.

Thought for the Week

"What's the difference between having faith and wishing? When you wish, you HOPE things will get better, but you may not BELIEVE they will. When you have faith, you BELIEVE things will get better, and you look for opportunities to make that happen. Think of the statements, "I wish you the best," versus, "I have... Continue Reading →

Thought for the Week

"If you look at photos of yourself from five years ago, ten years ago, or more, you may feel a bit down comparing outer appearances. Yes, most likely, you look a little older now. But if you think of the person you were then compared to now, all the things you didn't know yet, the... Continue Reading →

Summer Solstice 2023

“Summertime is a season of the soul.” ― Unknown

Thought for the Week

"There's really no such thing as making up for lost time, but you can make the absolute most of the time you have now. Don't lose another moment to "should haves." Appreciate now, what's in front of you and what's coming in the days, weeks, and years ahead. "Doe Zantamata        

Thought for the Week

"Be aware of button pushing during disagreements. One common way that a person may attempt to sway your opinion is to introduce false isolation. That is, to say, "Well everybody thinks what I think, and only you think differently. "Everybody may be family, a group of friends, or just a made-up "everybody that doesn't really... Continue Reading →

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