An Introduction to the Tarot Apothecary

AUGUST 09, 2022 BY AILYNN HALVORSON READ TIME: 13 MINS The Tarot Apothecary lays out a magical approach to the tarot that calls in the four wisdoms of tarot, aromatherapy, imaginative journey (the state of allowing your mind and imagination to journey outside of yourself with a predetermined intention), and simple everyday ritual. This creates a container of magical energies that allow for... Continue Reading →

Tarot as a Way of Mindfulness: 4 Ways the Cards Help You Find Spiritual Fulfillment

JULY 25, 2022 BY JOHANNES FIEBIG READ TIME: 6 MINS We fell in love with the tarot in the early 1980s. Tarot became our profession then, and for decades we did lectures, workshops and seminars on the tarot. We also wrote many tarot books (mainly in Europe, but with increasing interest in the USA and Canada), which have been... Continue Reading →

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