"If someone spends time going out of their way to harm others, it's really sad. It means they have no clue how precious and brief their own life really is. Don't waste any of your life being angry with them. To do so would be giving them power over your happiness. They will regretfully prove... Continue Reading →
Happy St Patrick’s Day
"Never iron a four-leaf clover because you don't want to press your luck."
Thought for the Week
"What you impress people by is what you are impressed by in other people. If you are impressed by kindness and generosity, that means those things are in you and you believe they are important. Those who are impressed by displays of status, power, flash, or waving money around don't yet see the value in... Continue Reading →
Thought for the Week
Every thought, every spoken word, every action sets a process in motion. We control what we send out, but not the results or consequences that follow. Good intentions set forth with the goal to destroy a perceived wrong will cause destruction in their wake. Good intentions set forth in love will yield good results, eventually.... Continue Reading →
Thought for the Week
"Sometimes people confuse self-love with big ego. The two are totally different. A person with a big ego thinks they are better than others. A person who loves him or herself doesn't think they are better or worse than others. Comparing is useless, as we all have strengths and weaknesses. Focusing on one or the... Continue Reading →
Thought for the Week
"The worst thing about lies is that they cause a person to doubt if they should trust so much. But the problem isn't too much trust, the problem is too many lies. Recognize when you can't trust a certain person anymore but don't let that spill over to all people. You'll never find true love... Continue Reading →
Happy Valentine’s Day
"When you love someone, you love the person as they are, and not as you'd like them to be." Leo Tolstoy.
My Land, My Choice- Mother Nature
The land belongs only to mother natures creations! And she is the one who chooses and has the only right to choose who stays on her land and who rules her land! No one gets to choose but her. That is how the divine mother rolls. Just putting things into perspective here what the real... Continue Reading →
Thought for the Week
"The emotion paves the road to the destination. If you act out of love, you'll end up in a place of love, even though there may be some bumps or changing of roles in between here and then. For example, acting with envy will not lead to a good place once that thing or person... Continue Reading →
Thought for the Week
"Be aware of your words as you say them. Words are so very powerful, and we never know what state of mind someone is in at any time. You choose your words, but you cannot choose the affect they will have on people. Always speak out of love. True power does not crush others but... Continue Reading →