"What you impress people by is what you are impressed by in other people. If you are impressed by kindness and generosity, that means those things are in you and you believe they are important. Those who are impressed by displays of status, power, flash, or waving money around don't yet see the value in... Continue Reading →
Thought for the Week
"How do you make peace with pain? If it were towards a person, a time in life, or an entire childhood, recognize first that you can be grateful that time is over. What remains today is a memory. If 10 years were spent living in that pain, know that this day forward, you get to... Continue Reading →
Thought for the Week
"Intuition is the intelligence of the heart and the knowledge of the soul. It knows instantly and constantly what can take decades of experience for the mind to logically sort out and understand. Trust it, and the reason will follow in time. ". Doe Zantamata
Thought for the Week
"Intuition literally means learning from within. Most of us were not taught how to use this sense, but all of us know that "gut" feeling. Learn to trust your inner feeling and it will become stronger. Avoid going against your better judgment or getting talked into things that just don't feel right. " Doe Zantamata ... Continue Reading →
Thought for the Week
"When people insult you, don't take offense, don't take it personally, but do listen to their words. They are telling you how they see the world, and they are telling you the exact negative qualities that they possess. "The Law of Mirrors" states that one can only see what's in them, regardless if it is... Continue Reading →
Thought for the Week
"Some puzzles only make sense once the very last piece is in place. Before then, all best efforts, hopes, and beliefs seem to be going to dead ends. Faith will carry you through to the last piece. Keep going. No matter what, keep going-- doing what you can and what feels right to your heart. "Doe... Continue Reading →
Thought for the Week
"Later on in life, we're not the same as we once were. We've had our hearts broken, faced disappointments and tragedies but made it through. This time is likely the most beautiful outside of infancy. Though we are weary travelers with far less energy than before, we still carry within us a spark of hope... Continue Reading →
Thought for the Week
"A mind full of worry has no room for hope. A mind full of doubt has no room for confidence. A mind full of gratitude sees no lack. A mind full of curiosity, love, humor, and goodness will always manage to deal with adversity as it comes but returns to the habit-formed state of peace.... Continue Reading →
Thought for the Week
"You were born to be awesome. Don't let anyone talk you out of that. If anyone has and you believed them, don't believe it anymore. You were given gifts of talents and passions to use, not to remain throughout your life as idle potential. You've gained experiences and wisdom up to this point, and you'll... Continue Reading →
Lughnasadh/Lammas Blessings
This is a time of fairs and the last month before school starts, so create some customs to remember… Enjoy a country fair, enter the baking contest, or just go to remember what it was like for our ancestors. Fairs for them was a time to get together and have some fun before the real... Continue Reading →